Olympus Interlock Tempe, Scottsdale

Interlock Services


Need an ignition interlock device?

Most states, if you’ve been convicted or arrested for driving while intoxicated, or under the influence of alcohol, you may be required to install an ignition interlock device. Failure to install an interlock device can have unwanted ramifications. Already have a LifeSaver device installed, in your vehicle, we can come to you to do your calibration. That fast that easy!

Ignition Interlock Installation Cost

As the person required to install an ignition interlock in your car, you're required to pay all costs associated with the ignition interlock. The installation of your ignition interlock device is one of these mandatory fees. Mobile Ignition Interlock installations can cost anywhere between $100-$570 depending on make and model. Mobile calibration starts at $60 along with any travel fees associated with your location. Scottsdale Office in-person calibrations are $25.00. Need a same day installation appointment or calibration? Give Olympus a call. Save $200.00 on your mobile install today by using the coupon below.

The costs involved with getting caught driving while suspended or revoked and possibly, the costs of getting another DUI are much greater than the cost of installing an interlock when you’re required to, most states have programs in place to monitor ignition interlock device installation to ensure those who are required to install them follow through. Interlocks are the quickest and easiest way to regain driving privileges after a drunk driving conviction.

  • Monthly Lease: The cost to lease the interlock device can cost between $50-$120 per month. For an accurate quote on an interlock in your state, call Olympus or LifeSafer for a quote now. Get A Quote!
  • Calibration: Your device will need calibration, this can occur every 30, 60, or 90 days, depending on your state requirements. Office or Mobile calibrations available.

When choosing your ignition interlock device, there are many things to consider ensuring you make the best choice possible. Your interlock device will be connected to your vehicle so you will want something small and discreet that fits into the smaller spaces of your car and is easy to hold in your hand. Some other provider’s devices are large and clunky making them difficult to hold or find a place to set them while you drive. The LifeSafer L250 makes your life easy by providing you with the smallest and easiest to use device on the market. What makes the LifeSafer L250 the most advanced interlock on the market?

  • Smallest Device
  • Easiest to Use Device
  • Most Affordable Device
  • Most Accurate Device
  • Most Reliable Devicestallation.

he L250 Ignition Interlock is our smallest handset with the most reliable technology.



Arizona has both administrative and criminal penalties for those arrested for DUI (Driving Under the Influence) and DWI (Driving while intoxicated). You must attend both to drive legally after a DUI arrest.


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